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Clear Aligners & Invisalign

Clear Aligners & Invisalign

At Purchase Park Orthodontics, you will have more choices available based on your diagnosis and your needs including Invisalign, 3M Clarity, and Candid clear aligners under the close guidance of a Westchester orthodontist. Traditional braces usually limit your diet since they can easily break from eating crunchy foods. On the other hand, clear aligners are removable, which means you can take them off during meals with no food restrictions.

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Clear Aligner Treatment with an Orthodontist

Teeth alignment issues can negatively affect your self-esteem, which ultimately shapes how you interact with your family, friends, and co-workers. Our clear aligners in Westchester NY quickly correct misaligned teeth, giving you a balanced smile.

Clear aligners are special molds made of medical-grade polymers that will correct your teeth alignment, your smile, and your chewing functions.

Clear aligners are sometimes called invisible braces, due to their unique appearance. Unlike braces, they are transparent, thin, and designed to fit snug over your teeth. The best part is that we provide you with a set number of aligners and time frames so that you can continue your treatment with minimal office visits.

What are the benefits of Clear Aligners?

Invisible Clear aligners in Port Chester, NY, are transparent, which makes them barely noticeable. Some adults feel embarrassed wearing traditional braces, so clear aligners are a good alternative to straightening teeth.


Traditional braces usually limit your diet since they can easily break from eating crunchy foods. On the other hand, clear aligners are removable, which means you can take them off during meals, allowing you to eat most foods while under treatment.

Fewer checkups

We know you are busy and going to the dentist can be a hassle. With clear aligners, we reduce the amount of visits by providing you with several sets of appliances to last you a few months.

Clear aligners are crafted from medical-grade plastic that is customized to fit your teeth. Therefore, they can be distorted when exposed to heat (hot beverages). Make sure to take them off before you eat or drink to ensure they last long. For more information on clear aligners in Port Chester, New York, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us today.

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